Saturday, November 28, 2020


1) To me Diego Armando Maradona remain the greatest player of all time. Those days when I was 9 years old, I was told Italy was great team, a defending champion of the last 82 World Cup, then I heard France was favorite team - fresh from 84 European Cup glory - a team blessed with many great players including Michele Platini, Jean Tigana, Luiz Fernandez etc. Furthermore France just defeated Italy 3-1 in the quarter final. But then I heard France lost to West Germany in the semis, and I'm sure West Germany should have won the championship, since Argentina not superior as the German was. It was a complete wrong proposition after knowing Argentina defeated them 3-2 in the final. A team lead by Diego Armando Maradona.

2) For those who's know Mexico 86 World Cup, Maradona single-handedly leads Argentina through-out the tournament. I don't think Argentina would win the tournament if it's not Maradona factor. His masterclass was apparent during knock-out stage, particularly during quarter, semi and final stage of the tournament. The most notable one was in the quarter stage against England when he scored twice, first the ugliest one - using his left hand to score. Then came the second goal - the greatest one four (4) minutes later - using his magical dribbling skill, passed through several English players from middle of the field before he slotted in the ball passed Peter Shilton's goal. It was two absolute opposing character of goal scored by him in the same game - a sweet revenged against England after Argentina had just lost in Falkland War against British four (4) years earlier. 

3) Again in the semis, Maradona have shown his magic by showing his dribbling skill against Belgium, where he scored twice in that game. In the final game against West Germany, his decisive pass to Jorge Burruchaga set-up Argentina's winning goal. In a nutshell, without Maradona, Argentina will never become 1986 world cup champion. 

4) In my knowledge of history of World Cup, I never seen anyone that was soo influential to his team, a charismatic leader on the field and sometimes quite controversy in his character. And Maradona has that on and off the field. The beauty of his skill and talent resonated in the field, his controversies sometimes sent shiver down the spine to his teams and supporters, even to the world football fraternities - this intriguing character often fascinated us. In 1994 USA World Cup tournament, his participation ended abruptly after failing drug test. Consequently it demoralized Argentinian team - and sent them packed early in the tournament after losing in the second round stage.   

5) We simply cannot compare him against Pele, both players came in different era. Pele won three (3) World Cups with Brazil where Brazilian team in his era were blessed with many talented players. In fact Pele wasn't actively participated in the 1962 World Cup due to his injury in the early stage of the tournament. While Argentina on the other hand relying heavily on Maradona to lead them in 1986 World Cup triumph. Maradona has only one world cup achievement compared to Pele three (3) times. 

6) Apart from his country, Maradona also stamped his mark in Napoli - a club in southern Italy. Napoli just a modest club in Italian football compare to giant Milan, Inter or Juve in the north. But during Maradona's stint in Napoli from 1984 till 1990, the latter have won 2 scudettos and one (1) EUFA Cup and multiples domestic championships. This feat have earned him a cult status in Naples. Since he left Napoli, the latter never won scudetto again. It's no surprise Maradona still revered by the Naples people. Before he joined Napoli, he played for Barcelona and Boca Juniors in his native country.

7) To sums up his genius - Gary Lineker, Maradona's former teammate in Barcelona and was part of opposing team against Argentina in the quarter 86 World Cup has this lovely story to tell;


8) RIP Diego Armando Maradona. I'm sure your legacy will shine through hereafter, it will remain cherish among football fans around the world for generations to come. Goodbye and so long my football hero. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


1) Pernahkah kita terfikir apa yang berlaku sekarang kepada kita, baik dari ekonomi mahu pun politik adalah akibat dari perbuatan kita sendiri? Bukankah kita yang undi pemimpin - pemimpin ini? Maka jika mereka merompak harta negara dan wang rakyat, sedikit sebanyak kita harus salahkan diri kita jugak kerana telah memilih mereka sebagai pemimpin kita. Kita sering salahkan pemimpin - pemimpin politik ini kerana mereka tidak amanah, lebih pentingkan diri sendiri berbanding tanggungjawab mereka sebagai wakil rakyat, namun kita masih pilih mereka sebagai pemimpin kita.  

2) Tuhan telah buka jalan kepada kita untuk memilih pemimpin - pemimpin ini melalui pilihanraya, Tuhan telah menganugerahkan akal kepada kita untuk menilai pemimpin - pemimpin ini, sebaliknya kita gagal guna akal yang dianugerahkan untuk memilih mereka yang benar - benar berkaliber, jujur dan amanah sebagai pemimpin kita. Hasilnya kita dapat pemimpin - pemimpin yang separuh masak, tidak jujur, korup dan tidak amanah sebagai pemimpin kita. Siapakah yang harus dipersalahkan? Tiada siapa lagi yang boleh disalahkan kecuali diri kita sendiri. 

3) Sebagai contoh negeri Kelantan, pada aku rakyat Kelantan tidak harus salahkan pemimpin mereka semata - mata jika mereka merungut negeri mereka mundur dan kurang membangun. Negeri Kelantan adalah negeri yang tiada pendapatan selain dari bergantung kepada bantuan kerajaan persekutuan tiap - tiap tahun, jika tiada bantuan kerajaan persekutuan, aku rasa negeri kelantan akan bangkrup terus. Tapi rakyat Kelantan seperti selesa tak kisah dengan masalah air yang tak pernah selesai - selesai, selesa dengan kelemahan majlis bandaran dalam beri perkhidmatan yang berkualiti kepada rakyat, tidak kisah dengan gaji adun yang terus naik sedangkan negara dan negeri terhimpit dengan masalah wabak covit-19, malah rakyat Kelantan juga tidak ambil peduli pun adun - adun mereka gunakan wang bantuan kerajaan persekutuan digunakan untuk beli kereta mewah Mercedes Benz untuk kegunaan semua exco - exco negeri. PAS adalah contoh klasik orang Melayu yang lebih pentingkan prestij berbanding tuntutan sebagai seorang pemimpin. Perkara yang sama juga berlaku kepada Menteri Besar Kedah pimpinan PAS, apabila beliau meminta diberikan kereta rasmi sebuah kereta mewah vellfire sebaik sahaja dilantik sebagai pengerusi SADA. Sedangkan SADA dihimpit kerugian RM36 juta, dan memerlukan suntikan modal untuk meningkatkan taraf sumber air di negeri Kedah.

4) Sebagai perbandingan cuba kita lihat video di bawah, bagaimana negara kafir Jerman jaga kebajikan rakyat mereka hadapi wabak covit-19. 


Jelas pemimpin - pemimpin Jerman mengamalkan ajaran Islam, sedangkan kita orang Islam dan negara Islam melaung - laungkan perjuangan Islam, tetapi langsung tidak melaksanakan ajaran Islam seperti yang dikehendaki oleh Islam itu sendiri. Kita orang Islam harus berasa malu kepada negara kafir Jerman ini. Jelas sekali pemimpin kafir Jerman lebih amanah dan bertanggungjawab dari pemimpin Islam itu sendiri.   

5) Jika negara mundur, jangan salahkan pemimpin kita semata - mata, kita juga harus salahkan diri sendiri juga. Kita juga harus dipersalahkan kerana memberi peluang kepada Najib dan Rosmah, serta pemimpin UMNO yang lain, yang merompak harta negara. Akibat yang akan ditanggung oleh beberapa generasi selepas kita.

6) Kita sering mempersendakan apabila Tun Mahathir pernah menyatakan "Melayu mudah lupa". Aku rasa ramai yang tak faham pun apa yang dimaksudkan oleh beliau "Melayu mudah lupa" ini. Habis kuat yang boleh difahami maksud "lupa" adalah dari erti kata sebenar, sedangkan maksud "lupa" luas dan dalam maksudnya. Selain itu kita juga ego dalam mengakui kelemahan kita, tak nak akui "Melayu itu mudah lupa", tak nak akui Melayu itu rata - rata malas, Melayu itu terlalu tamak dan sering inginkan pulangan cepat yang sering merugikan Melayu di kemudian hari. Inilah nilai - nilai yang buat orang Melayu gagal capai matlamat yang disasarkan oleh dasar Ekonomi Baru. Sejujurnya aku rasa wabak covit-19 ada bagusnya jugak, moga mogahan ia dapat menyedarkan kita kembali, bahawa kita sebagai orang Melayu perlu balik ke pangkal jalan kerana kita telah jauh sesat.

7) Aku percaya ramai orang Melayu yang marah dan tak setujui dengan pandangan aku ini. Tetapi aku percaya orang Melayu telah jauh menyimpang. Jadi aku beranggapan kita perlu set semula langkah kita, perlu kembali ke pangkal jalan kerana sudah jauh sesat jalan. Mungkin kita terlalu ego hendak akuinya atau pun mungkin terlalu lurus - tak nampak masalah yang membelengu orang Melayu ketika ini. Kita mungkin hanya nampak beberapa kerat orang Melayu yang berjaya, yang benar - benar rajin, tetapi sebenarnya masih ramai lagi orang Melayu yang tamak, berfikiran cetek dan malas di luar sana. Sebenarnya ini juga merupakan suatu masalah kepada orang Melayu, kerana kita akan terbuai - buai dengan khayalan kosong yang jauh terasar dari realiti. 

8) Pada aku orang Melayu harus keluar dari zon selesa, perlu berani hadapi cabaran realiti yang membelengu masyarakat kita, perlu berani bercakap benar, berani mempertahankan kebenaran, berani mengorbankan kepentingan diri dalam perjuangan, demi menaikkan taraf bangsa. Kita perlukan "Reality Distortion", yang boleh sedarkan kita dari lamunan indah. Realitinya kita sudah jauh tertinggal di belakang. Kita perlu cari penawar yang dapat mengubati penyakit ini, walaupun pahit untuk ditelan, yang sudah pasti amat mujarab. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020


1) It's been years I have not updating my blog. I dont know what prompted me to pen my thought this time around. But this Amazon stuff is too irresistible for me to ignore, considering years of roller coaster journey that I going through.  

2) Along the journey, its tested my patience, my dignity, my life and family and even my friendship. Since everybody busy with their own life, its make them seems do not understand your problems are. Moreover, they have their own problem too, which make even harder for them to understand it. I accept this as human factor that normally happen to everyone, including myself. If I were in their position, I might do the same (Honestly I hope not). As what Najieb said to me "I been through life" not "lived a life", to me it was like "a journey not a destination". Even how good my explanations were, I am still skeptical one can understand it, let alone sympathy on me.  

3) While answering my question, Najieb said this to me - "Your wandering was like mine, I've been there. Now, I am comfortable to say I don't know but I know I have value. It is not easy to prove. But I guess I have managed to prove to some people and this is good enough. It is not going to be a lightning speed but resilience is all that is needed". Najieb then continued " I recall when I had to treat myself. I took therapy, LOA, and eventually move on and no looking back. I guess it is not how many times I fell but how many times I bounce back and true as i LOA. It keeps getting better. I mean, now, I can call people like Dato Joey and Travis as personal friends. When I was "terumbang ambing" before". He then ended "The only thing, never forget the hard times. Never forget the experiences gained and move forward. Once you have moved on. You look back, you will understand what I mean". Thanks for this advice Najieb.

4) Come back to this Amazon. What Najieb and I agree were - this E-commerce business is a way forward - that surely benefit to those embrace and make used of its potential in very beginning. When Covit-19 pandemic struck, it's not only send shiver down the spine on entire populations of the world, but it's also hasten the E-commerce business growth. You may look what those technological companies posted their financial result were, and see how much Amazon financial performance was. Their shares and profits improve by leap and bound since then. Najieb have seen this trending quite sometimes now, and I sees the same either. 

5) I have been wandering what kind of business that suited me. Is it technological and engineering business that I am looking? Or F&B / catering that I and my wife doing right now? Honestly I don't know. Along the way, when thing starts crumbling - I decided to coming back to work as salaried worker. While searching for works, Najieb came and invited me to join on board in his journey with Amazon. After long thought and discussed with wife, I decided to be on board with him.

6) Najieb went to Singapore learning this Amazon since he was working with government then, he sees Amazon's potential for future endeavor apart from investing in crypto currency simultaneously. When PH's government fell, he losses his job, by that time he has too many stuff on his plate. Initially he engaged with one young fellow to help him out, but that guy seems lacking in tenacity and unmotivated since this work are quite tedious and resilience. 

7) Me on the other hand, are quite okay, and have little experiences in the past. Furthermore, it doesn't affect my time in operating my restaurant. With little bit of skill on other thing, I was able to complement Najieb's lacking on other area, in achieving our common goal. 

8) As I am writing this piece, we are still in midst of getting our products registered with Amazon. We anticipated this from beginning - expected this bumpy road prior registering with Amazon. It requires resilient and patience to overcome it - and sadly to say - qualities that wannabe entrepreneurs are lacking most, particularly among those searching for quick return - sadly to notes it happen most to Malays. If one can honestly and thoroughly analyze what are the reasons behind Malay's lacking in economic pie after 41 years of introduction of NEP - these were one of the contributing factors - an attributes that resides in the head of many Malay entrepreneurs.          

9) I am lucky since Najieb could see bigger picture, and sees the potential of American market could provide. And he knew it from his Singaporean coaches who's generously enough to share their experiences and even helping us to achieve similar goal. At the same time, he got Travis Marziani's guidance, who are quite successful Amazon's seller in America. So basically we have 2 set of guidance from 2 different regions, that certainly would provide meaningful ideas and guidance to us Insha'Allah. 

10) As I explains above, this piece is basically just a skeleton of our common goal. I hope I could elaborate more details in the future piece once we reach next level. There's still long way to go - a bumpy road ahead of course. I hope we remain perseverance, Insha'Allah.              

Friday, November 11, 2016

What's Wrong with Us?

1) I had a long chat with my usual friend Najieb Mokhtar regarding our society polemic, it is about a societal disease that we do not know it root cause. The disease called "mudah lupa" that seems has no cure and vaccination.

2) Our conversation started, when I was asking his opinion, when seeing Singaporean politicians remain alerted and do not derailed from original path setted-out by their founding farther, the late Lee Kuan Yew. Even though they were on the upper-hand, they still remain competitive against us. I asked him, what are the value system they embraced, is it because the culture that existed for thousand years or anything else? Let's put aside the feeling insecure, since they were minority in terms of populations and geographical locations, surrounded by Malay archipelago islands, which naturally would create a feeling of insecure and very alert by the surrounding environments. But if we want to put aside Singapore due to it geographical location and racial population, why other developed countries such as Germany, Japan, USA etc, not having the same polemic like us? To me they are the one who's should derailed as they have developed earlier than Singapore, furthermore their geographical location and racial population are not the same as Singapore had. And again the same answer uttered "We have a disease, a societal disease, and it is called 'mudah lupa'". He reiterated "When we acknowledge it as such, it will be easier to heal it. Just like "melatah", it is also societal. Not many bangsa has 'melatah'". Unfortunately, for thousand of years, we never had the initiative to find the cure of "mudah lupa", why, could it be because we are succumbing (redha), fated (takdir), putus asa etc. He answered again "I do not know, but since we do not have the initiative to correct (heal), we remained the same. Unlike other society. Perhaps it could be our inferiority complex, led to accepting the disease a normal and carry on life as usual i.e. neglecting it. Over time we lose the race when other races has thrived.

3) If we look at Japan and Korea, I can understand the effects from the value system they embrace. Korea were on the same par as us in the 70's, but their economy progressing by leaps and bounds since then. Japan's economy on the other hand were dilapidated after loosing WWII, but progressing tremendously after that. These two countries have no mineral resources at their's disposal, they have only human capital to count on. But they still can progress and develop, in fact they fared better than us. Why? The culture that Japanese embrace and similar value system embrace by Korean, that derived from the same culture as Japan called Bushido. I think this piece of article from China Daily Newspaper which I copied on February 7, 2016 is relevant for reader to understand the Japanese business culture that's having strong sense of purpose and placing values like diligence before profits. This culture resides in the Japanese society/culture for thousand years already.

4) I am argued to him, saying Tun also doesn't really find medicine to cure this disease. Tun diagnosed the symptom, but doesn't found the cure. His initiatives and policies i.e. Look East Policy, Buy British Last etc., doesn't produced tangible result. He even spoke about Muslims are no longer follow Islamic teaching as enshrined in the Quran. We were too busy dealing tactical matters than having strategic thinking. Eventually we loose focus and left behind by other races. Mahathir have tried to implement this, unfortunately it failed to produce a tangible result, and leadership after him made the situation even worst. Ironically these values now embraced by the non Muslims. He talk about our education system that do not emphasis the right values that should create quality students and graduates, that should eventually will contribute back to the society - not that kind of student who's know how to pass the exam only.

5) Najieb answered, "Tun diagnosed and he knew, but the number of people against him outweight his single effort. Why are these people against him. It's the Malay disease. He can only contain the disease and that was when he was in power. Now the disease is an epidemic and he's without power. I do not touch on religion because society today is hypocrite. But you can see, when the disease is not cured and contained, even corruption is rampant....We are very Jewish i.e. degil (recalcitran indeed)".

6) Our conversation end there, but our mind remain clueless. And this has led me to ask readers out there - your opinions and suggestions on what should we do to eradicate this pandemic.      

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dari UMNO Keturunan ke BERSATU

UMNO Keturunan

1) Aku dilahir dan dibesarkan daripada keluarga sederhana yang pernah menempuh susah sejak 70an lagi. Ketika aku dilahirkan pada 1977, keluarga sedang berada dalam puncak kesusahan, namun aku percaya rata - rata rakyat Malaysia ketika itu berada dalam keadaan yang sama. Rata - rata pendapatan isi rumah rakyat Malaysia keturunan Melayu kebanyakannya bergantung kepada pertanian, termasuklah keluarga aku. Arwah ibu bekerja mengambil upah menanam padi untuk menampung seisi keluarga, arwah ayah pula tidak berkemampuan untuk bekerja memandangkan keadaan kesihatan yang tidak membenarkan. Kami sekeluarga boleh dikatakan penyokong kuat UMNO/BN, maka aku telah didoktrinkan sejak kecil lagi dengan falsafah perjuangan UMNO yang memperjuangkan bangsa, agama dan negara.

2) Pada masa yang sama aku juga terdedah dengan fahaman sosialis dan komunisme yang dibawa oleh arwah ayah. Beliau merupakan beberapa kerat penyokong sosialis maxisme seperti akhbar Utusan Melayu ketika diawal penubuhannya. Arwah boleh dikatakan sefahaman dan seangkatan A Samad Ismail, Ahmad Boestamam, Kassim Ahmad dan lain - lain lagi ketika itu. Masih aku teringat lagi, arwah ayah pernah menyimpan beberapa buku yang pernah diharamkan ketika zaman pemerintahan Tunku Abdul Rahman - buku - buku yang pro kepada sosialisme dan komunisme seperti Das Kapital dan Lenin & Gandhi yang kebanyakannya diimport dari Indonesia. Arwah ayah juga merupakan pembaca buku tegar (ulat buku), banyak buku dan novel tersohor ketika itu, seperti Anna Karenina dan War & Peace oleh Leo Tolstoy, The Brothers Karamazov oleh Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Old Man and the Sea oleh pengarang Amerika Ernest Hemingway dan banyak lagi buku - buku lain oleh pengarang - pengarang lain. Malah arwah juga pernah cuba menjadi pengarang novel untuk DBP - dimana mengisahkan kejadian nelayan yang hilang di lautan akibat dilanda ribut, yang diadaptasikan oleh kejadian sahabat nelayan beliau di kampung. Akhbar Berita Harian tidak pernah gagal dibaca oleh beliau setiap hari, setiap pagi aku akan disuruh ke kedai untuk membeli senaskah akhbar BH. Dari sinilah bermulanya tabiat aku membaca akhhbar dari belakang - disebabkan sering membaca bahagian sukan kegemaran ku, memandangkan arwah terlebih dahulu membaca bahagian depan. Boleh dikatakan setiap artikel akan dibaca oleh beliau termasuklah ruang - ruang iklan, tiada satu akan terlepas daripada penglihatan beliau.

3) Namun begitu, arwah ayah pernah jadi pengasas UMNO di kampung, beliau bersama - sama sahabat termasuklah arwah Ahmad Badawi (bapa bekas PM Malaysia ke5), merupakan beberapa kerat pemimpin UMNO awal yang menubuhkan UMNO di kawasan Pantai Merdeka ketika UMNO di bawah kepimpinan Tunku Abdul Rahman.

4) Walaubagaimanapun sejak kejadian 13 Mei, arwah ayah terus menyepi dari dunia politik dan jarang sekali memperlihatkan pandangan politik beliau. Sehinggalah (Datuk Seri) Dr Mahathir menjadi PM ke empat, beliau kembali menunjukkan minat beliau terhadap politik, namun kali ini bukanlah aktif, cuma sekadar menunjukkan minat yang mendalam terhadap politik negara. Masih teringat lagi aku, setiap kali berita pukul 8, pasti televisyen rumah akan dikuasai oleh beliau, tiada siapa akan dibenarkan mengubah siaran lain ketika itu. Arwah akan memberikan tumpuan yang mendalam setiap kali terbaca atau dengar Dr Mahathir berucap. Arwah mempunyai hormat yang tinggi terhadap Dr Mahathir; i- Kerana tahap intelektualiti Dr Mahathir ii- Kerana daya kepimpinan Dr Mahathir dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi dan politik negara. Arwah pernah menyatakan kepada aku, Dr Mahathir merupakan PM Malaysia terbaik berbanding PM Malaysia terdahulu.

5) Semangat dan idealogi yang berbagai - bagai ini telah membentuk corak pemikiran yang non-conformist - yang berpaksikan kepada praktikaliti berdasarkan keadaan dan masa tertentu - dan ini yang telah melahirkan corak pemikiran dan prinsip yang aku pegang ketika ini. Aku percaya prinsip inilah yang dipegang oleh kepimpinan terdahulu negara. Yang akhirnya berjaya membentuk asas pembentukan negara, yang meringankan beban Dr Mahathir dalam mengisi kemerdekaan negara dalam meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat dengan mengisi nilai - nilai yang baik agar kekal berdaya saing dengan bangsa - bangsa dan negara - negara lain. Dimana Dr Mahathir pernah nyatakan bahawa beliau hendak kita rakyat Malaysia mestilah duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan bangsa - bangsa dan negara - negara lain. Aku percaya inilah objektif utama visi 2020 beliau bersama - sama dengan matlamat mempertahankan bangsa, agama dan negara.

6) Maka oleh itu aku berpegang jika UMNO tidak lagi membawa panji - panji ini - yang menjadi asas pembentukan diawal penubuhannya, maka haruslah aku menentangnya demi masa depan bangsaku, agamaku dan negaraku. Kerana perlu diingat inilah wadah perjuangan UMNO yang asal, yang juga merupakan asas penubuhannya. Sebarang kesetiaan yang membuta - tuli bukanlah tunjang kekuatan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam, pada aku orang Melayu haruslah berfikiran matang - yang dapat membezakan antara batu dan permata dan perlu bijak dan bebas dalam menentukan masa depan sendiri - inilah yang dinamakan nikmat kemerdekaan seorang yang merdeka. Kerana sifat kejadian manusia atau hambaNya adalah hamba yang merdeka. Sesungguhnya menusia itu diberikan akal yang merdeka untuk menentukan yang mana halal dan yang mana haram, yang mana pahala dan yang mana dosa - suatu kelebihan yang Allah berikan kepada manusia berbanding malaikat. Itulah yang dinyatakan Tuhan kepada malaikat bahawa Dia tahu apa yang tidak kita ketahui.


7) Jika kita berfikiran merdeka, kita tidak akan terikat atau taksub kepada sesuatu perkara. Pemikiran kita akan berpaksikan kepada kebenaran, seperti mana yang pernah aku nyatakan dahulu. Jika berlaku sebarang kemungkaran, haruslah ditentang, dan kepada yang "non-conformist", mereka akan dapat melihat kebenaran itu dari sudut hakikatnya, mereka juga akan dapat melihat warna - warna yang membentukan warna putih yang terlihat dari mata kasar. Mereka tidak akan dapat melihat sesuatu perkara dari berbagai warna, bukan hanya dari sudut hitam dan putihnya sahaja.

8) Jika kita melihat UMNO dari dua warna, hitam dan putihnya, kita tak akan dapat melihat kemungkaran yang berlaku dalam UMNO ketika ini. Apa yang berlaku ketika ini, ketaksuban dan nafsu telah membutakan mata dan hati kita kepada pembohongan dan kemungkaran yang berlaku. Lalu segala kesalahan dan kemungkaran yang terang lagi nyata berlaku depan mata, akibat kerakusan sifat tamak haloba pemimpin UMNO dilupakan. Sebagai hambahNya yang merdeka, yang dikurnaikan akal fikiran pinjaman Allah, adalah menjadi KEWAJIPAN untuk menentang dan menegur sebarang kemungkaran yang berlaku.

9) BERSATU atau PPBM dibentuk untuk mengembalikan kebenaran yang sebelum ini telah dinafikan oleh pemimpin - pemimpin UMNO ini termasuklah presidennya. Ini adalah KEWAJIPAN yang telah aku nyatakan sebelum ini. UMNO hanyalah alat untuk presidennya kekal berkuasa sebagai PM Malaysia. Maka UMNO bukanlah lagi wadah perjuangan bangsa, agama dan negara lagi, oleh itu BERSATU haruslah menggantikan UMNO sebagai wadah perjuangan yang baru. Sifat tamak haloba telah bermaharajalela, api semangat kemerdekaan yang terbentuk sejak awal penubuhan negara telah pun hilang. Malah ia telah jadi penganiayaan yang nyata terhadap rakyat, maka demi masa depan bangsa, agama dan negara, serta anak cucu kita, adalah WAJIB bagi menentang kemungkaran ini. Orang yang merdeka adalah orang yang sanggup berkorban jiwa dan raga demi sebuah kebenaran.

10) Maka BERSATU lah kita demi perjuangan yang mulia ini, moga - moga ia jadi titik tolak kejayaan kita di kemudian hari. Insyaallah.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


1) A friend of mine contacted me, asking on my opinion on current damaging political scenario, happening in our country. He's clearly doesn't agree with the decision to invite DAP in the coalition to topple BN in the next GE.

2) I have told him, I'm too disagree for a new political party forming alliance with DAP, knowing the latter were strong opponent of NEP, and promoting Malaysian Malaysia mooted by their predecessor PAP. But current reality that struck our economic and political climate require radical approaches in combating corrupted BN.

3) We are in between the devil and the deep blue sea. And we have no option other than have to choose the less detrimental between the two, and clearly we don't have other option at the moment. As what Tun Dr M said, who's should be PM after Najib is secondary. At the moment our mind and focus should concentrate on removing Najib from his current post.

4) Since all doors through UMNO/BN and legislative assembly has been shutdown by Najib and his cronies. The citizen then resorted through citizen declaration lead by Tun Dr M, to push our king to step-in in pushing Najib to step down. However looking at current scenario, it seems this way going to be resulted in vain either. That is why, the idea of forming new political party to rival BN in the next GE came into mind. And knowing Tun Dr M - giving-up is not in his vocabulary, he will find every ways and means to make it happen. It was same during Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, where various methods were implemented by previous administration lead Dr M to overcome currency speculators from destroying our economy. Eventually government came with unorthodox approach by pegging RM against USD. This approach wasn't in line with general consensus of world top financial theorist of that time. Even George Soros acknowledged that we were wright in pegging RM. Tun Dr M never quiet from being in the spot light due to his maverick approaches and decisions in politic and leadership. He would not afraid in taking dangerous way with calculated risk in mind. 

5) Going back into current scenario, forming a new political party to rival BN is not surprising if we understood para 4 mentioned above. This is the quality of former medical doctor cum politician. As what I told him (my friend), at the moment we should think about our survival first. Who should lead our nation after Najib is secondary, learn from Indonesia and Philipines fate where the corruption was so rampant until it's hard for these countries to develop since the corruption has slipped-through their social fabric already. Are we ready to accept Greece fate befall on us? Definitely we don't, the affect would be too catastrophic, and therefore we have to act now before it's too late.

6) The problem with our society is, we are too tactical until we forget main objective. Our mind and focus should concentrate on main objective which is our survival and future generations, PERIOD.         

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mak Damailah Mu di Sana

Kau pergi selama - lamanya meninggalkan ku
Namun ku berdoa semoga Engkau ketemukanlah ku dgn dia
Di suatu tempat dan ketika yang telah Engkau janjikan
Aku berdoa agar Engkau tempatkan dia di kalangan hamba Mu yang soleh

Kau pergi meninggalkan ku, bertemu Pencipta mu di sana
Damailah mu di sana
Hari terakhir mu, wajah mu tenang
Mungkinkah kau redha atau sedia?

Aku bersyukur dapat ketemu mu di hari terakhir mu
Bersyukur dalam duka
Sedih tapi pasrah
Pasrah atas apa yang telah Engkau janjikan

Wahai mak, janganlah engkau bersedih
Akan ku sedekahkan doa hingga ke akhir hayat ku
Jasad mu pergi meninggalkan ku, tapi roh mu kekal di sini
Kerna kasih sayang dan cinta itu kekal

Kasih dan sayang mu murni
Murni itu benar
Kebenaran itu kejujuran - bakal jadi bekal di akhirat kelak
Kau pergi bersama ayah yang tersayang, setelah genap 20 tahun lamanya

Pusara mu bersebelah, moga kalian berdua bangkit bersama
Doa ku bertambah kata - dengan ungkapan arwah
Namun wajah dan kata - kata mu bakal tersemat - kekal dalam kalbu

Lagu ini sebagai tanda kasih sayang ku terhadap mu mak.