Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tongkat Nik Aziz

1) Have read this story. Our muslim brothers getting even worst in their political obsessions towards this political cult and muslim brotherhood divider.

2) Drived by his political lust, he divide muslims in this country by creating confusion between Malay and Islam. All of these done by portraying his Islamic image, by implying the image of "warak", low self-esteem "tawaduk", using special Islamic jargon etc, as a means to confuse people.

3) As usual, the Malaysian Muslim are easily deceived by the appearance of any person who use Islam as their tools. That is why large majority are obsessed by this fellow too

4) If you went to any book shops, you will find a lot of books about him written by his obsessed followers. Wasn't sure any kind of royalty were paid or not - the no money no religion syndrome, a syndrome "ketagihan agama" or religious addiction that has been engulfed all religions for centuries.

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