Monday, April 26, 2010

Pilihanraya Kecil Hulu Selangor - Suatu Renungan

1) Seharusnya keputusan pilihanraya kecil Hulu Selangor baru - baru ini perlu menjadi landasan kepada BN. Walaupun kembali merampas parlimen Hulu Selangor daripada PKR, BN tidak boleh terlalu yakin dengan tren pengundi sekarang, jauh sekali dari bongkak atau takbur.

2) Isyarat yang telah ditunjukkan oleh pengundi Hulu Selangor boleh digambarkan secara keseluruhannya bagi masyarakat Malaysia. Sudah pasti BN perlu bekerja keras lagi, kerana masih banyak lagi ruang kelemahan yang perlu ditutup.

3) Kelemahan yang paling jelas ialah, jumlah undi kaum Cina kepada PKR yang telah bertambah berbanding pilihanraya sebelum ini. Apa yang dapat disimpulkan, sentimen atau pola undi kaum Cina ini masih tidak berubah, malah sebaliknya menunjukkan peningkatan undi kepada PKR. Manakala undi kaum Melayu dan India telah menunjukkan peningkatan terhadap BN. Ini merupakan isyarat jelas bahawa keyakinan masyarakat Melayu dan India terhadap BN di bawah kepimpinan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak.

4) Apa yang harus BN / MCA lakukan ialah kembali mendekati masyarakat Cina dan cuba menyelami masalah sebenar kaum Cina ini sehinggakan undi mereka telah banyak diberikan kepada PKR.

5) Berdasarkan pemerhatian aku, terdapat beberapa faktor yang harus diperhalusi oleh BN, ianya seperti berikut:

  • Isu - isu berbaur rasis yang dimainkan oleh PKR bagi mendapat undi atau cuba menjadi popular, terutama sekali parti DAP dan beberapa ahli politik PKR, yang telah berjaya memesongkan pandangan kaum Cina terhadap BN.
  • Kurangnya pemahaman mengenai dasar - dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan oleh kaum Cina mungkin disebabkan oleh kelemahan badan perhubungan awam atau badan penerangan BN/MCA yang gagal berfungsi atau faktor PKR / DAP yang berjaya memesongkan perhatian kaum Cina.
  • Tahap pemulihan ekonomi negara yang masih belum benar - benar dirasai oleh semua kaum termasuk kaum Cina.
  • Faktor calon (mungkin dengan meletakkan calon dari kaum Cina akan dapat menambat hati kaum Cina untuk kembali mengundi BN)
  • Persepsi kaum Cina, bahawa agihan kekayaan atau kek ekonomi negara yang masih belum adil atau sama rata.
  • Kelemahan jentera BN terutama MCA dalam menawan hati pengundi Cina ketika berkempen.
  • Perubahan pucuk pimpinan MCA yang masih baru dan masih belum benar - benar terbukti berkesan disebabkan tarikh pilihanraya yang terlalu dekat dengan tarikh perlantikan pucuk kepimpinan baru MCA.

6) Data yang aku nyatakan di atas hanyalah hasil dari pandangan mata kasar ku serta pandangan peribadi ku, aku percaya BN pasti mempunyai data yang lebih tepat dan sudah tentu post mortem akan dilakukan oleh pucuk kepimpinan parti bagi mengenal pasti punca - punca serta arah tuju parti bagi meningkatkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kepimpinan kerajaan pusat.

7) Peluang dan indikasi yang telah ditunjukkan oleh pengundi Hulu Selangor harus menjadi landasan kepada BN bagi menghadapi pilihanraya kecil seterusnya dan yang paling penting sekali pada pilihanraya umum ke-13 nanti.

8) Apa pun, aku ucapkan tahniah sekali lagi kepada BN kerana berjaya merampas kembali parlimen Hulu Selangor. Diharapkan kemenangan ini tidak membuatkan BN kembali bongkak serta sombong seperti yang telah berlaku sebelum ini.

BN Menang P094 Pilihanraya Kecil Hulu Selangor

Barisan Nasional's P.Kamalanathan waves as he arrives at the tallying centre at the Hulu Selangor multi-purpose hall, with his wife S.Shobana.

1) Tahniah kepada P Kamalanathan dari BN kerana berjaya merampas kembali parlimen Hulu Selangor daripada PKR.

2) BN menerusi  Kamalanathan telah mendapat undi sebanyak 24,997 manakala Dato' Zaid Ibrahim telah mendapat undi sebanyak 23,272 undi. Dengan itu, Kamalanathan telah memenangi dengan majoriti sebanyak 1,725 undi.

3) Sungguh pun BN berjaya merampas kembali parlimen tersebut, namun mereka tidak boleh mendabik dada.

4) Ternyata hasil dari keputusan tersebut, ianya menunjukkan terdapat persaingan sengit antara BN dan PKR bagi merebut undi dalam kawasan parlimen Hulu Selangor. Pada aku faktor yang banyak menentukan kemenangan BN ialah undi orang Melayu kepada BN.

5) Harus diingat, undi kaum Cina kepada PKR meningkat iaitu sebanyak sehingga 80% undi, manakala undi kaum India menampakkan peningkatan manakala undi kaum Melayu tidak banyak berubah.

6) Peratusan keluar mengundi adalah lebih kurang 75%, jelas sekali keputusan ini bukanlah suatu kemenangan yang meyakinkan kepada BN, tetapi yang pastinya ia memberikan suatu suntikan moral kepada BN sebelum PRU13.

7) Masih banyak lagi usaha yang harus dilakukan oleh BN, aku pasti selepas ini BN akan melakukan satu post mortem untuk menganalisa tren pengundi ketika ini. Ia amat berharga bagi BN untuk menentukan arah atau tujuan yang perlu dilakukan selepas ini.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nik Aziz Yang Menyeleweng

Ceramah Politik Dalam Masjid Tak Salah - Nik Aziz
KUALA KUBU BARU: Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat bertegas adalah tidak salah untuk menyampaikan ceramah politik di dalam masjid.
"Siapa ajar tidak boleh cakap politik di masjid. Urusan politik ini disebut dalam al-Quran. Ini kerja saki baki penjajah barat yang asingkan agama dan politik.
"Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sendiri ahli agama, politik, panglima perang dan menteri kewangan serta menteri sosial.
"Ini ajaran karut yang ditinggalkan Inggeris dan digunakan oleh orang Islam dan ia sangat mendukacitakan, " katanya kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Majlis Makan Malam bersama Pemimpin- pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR) di Banglo Pejabat Daerah Hulu Selangor di sini malam ini.
Beliau berkata demikian sebagai mengulas titah Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharifuddin Idris Shah yang melarang sebarang tindakan menggunakan masjid sebagai gelanggang untuk berpolitik dan tempat untuk mengadakan demonstrasi.
Sultan Sharafuddin sebelum ini bahawa bertitah masjid dan surau adalah tempat untuk umat Islam dan orang Melayu bersatu padu, bermuafakat serta mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama umat, dan bukannya tempat untuk berpolitik. Dalam perkembangan lain, Nik Aziz yang juga Menteri Besar Kelantan berkata, tindakan menyerang peribadi calon Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adalah satu perkara yang memalukan bagi politik di Malaysia.
"Umno tidak ada modal. Calon ini calon parti. Kalau Umno ada modal serang partilah.
"Jangan serang tubuh badan calon, ini kerja bodoh, kerja budak-budak," katanya.
Tegasnya, jika parti A lawan parti B, maka Umno perlu lawan dengan parti yang bertanding dan bukannya menyerang peribadi lawan.
"Kalau dia boleh bertumbuk, lari atau debik (pukul) semata-mata untuk lepas geram itu tanda dia tak boleh lawan. Dia hanya nak buat hujah dan asyik serang peribadi," tegasnya lagi.

My view : Orang tua nyanyuk ni sasau lagi nampaknya, soalan aku, boleh ke nak berceramah politik dalam masjid? Kalau ceramah tersebut penuh dengan maki hamun dan fitnah. Inilah yang Tuanku Sultan Selangor amat risaukan, bukannya tak boleh, tetapi Baginda risau masjid dan surau menjadi tempat menabur fitnah dan caci maki, sudah tentu kesucian masjid dan surau akan tercemar. Apa yang si nyanyuk ni cakap? Kalau di masjid Pulau Melaka tu dia boleh sewenang - wenangnya seleweng ajaran Islam dengan berkata "Jika melawan UMNO tiba - tiba meninggal dunia, maka kita dikira mati syahid", dipetik dari Kickdefella blog, sila klik di sini. Ini adalah salah satu contoh salah dalam ajaran Nik Aziz yang diajar di masjid Pulau Melaka tersebut yang amat bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, ada banyak lagi ajaran menyeleweng beliau sebenarnya. Oleh itu beliau hendak semua masjid dan surau di dalam negara menjadi tempat menabur fitnah dan penyelewengan ajaran Islam.  

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Roger Waters announces 30th anniversary ‘The Wall’ tour

1) Good news to Pink Floyd fans, Roger Waters announces there will be 30th anniversary "The Wall" tour in North America cities, clicks here for more info.

2) The tour remind of Pink Floyd The Wall tour and Is There Anybody Out There tour during somewhere between 1980 to 1982.

3) One of the most memorable element during that concert was the performance of "Comfortably Numb". While Waters sang the opening verse in front of the wall, Gilmour waited in darkness, for his cue, at the top of the wall. When it came, the bright blue and white light would suddenly illuminate him, astonishing the audience.

4) The concept and storyline of the album was based upon causes and implication of self imposed isolation, symbolized by metaphorical wall. The album create the storyline of events in the life of protagonist, Pink.

5) His farther dies during WWII (based upon Roger farther who died during WWII). He is oppressed by his overprotective mother, and past school days experienced by tyrannical and abusive teacher (also based upon Roger school days experienced). Each of this becomes "Another Brick In The Wall".

6) Pink becomes a rock star, his relationships marred by infidelity, drug abused and outburst of violence (based upon Syd Barret past experienced). As his marriage crumble, Pink finishes building the wall, completing his total isolation from human contact.

7) Behind completed "wall", Pink crisis escalates, he believes that he is a facsist dictator, and that his concert like Neo-Nazi rallies, where he sets his men on fans he considers unworthy.

8) Tormented with guilt, he places himself on trial, his inner judge ordering him to "tear down the wall", opening Pink to the outside wall.

9) Basically, this album were good on its storyline, a different class compared to "The Dark Side Of The Moon", where it has more dynamic blends of recording, mixing, musical arrangement, song writing, cover art album and more successful than "The Wall" in term copies sales, which sold around 45 million worldwide, topping the Billboard 200 for 1 week. Remained in the chart for 14 years, from 1973 to 1988, longer than any other album in history.

10) In addition to its commercial success "The Dark Side Of The Moon" is most popular albums among fans and critics, and frequently ranked as one of the greatest rock albums of all time.

Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu

1) Artikel dari A Kadir Jasin berkenaan tajuk di atas harus dibaca untuk renungan bersama. Sila klik di sini.

2) Kepada sesiapa yang buta sejarah dan perlembagaan negara harus membacanya juga agar dapat menambahkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan mengenainya.

3) Suka atau tidak, itulah sejarah negara dan kita harus akuinya.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Inter-faith Committee or Inter-Racial Committee?

1) I support the decision made by Islamic Scholar Committee over the establishment of Inter-racial Committee instead of Inter-faith Committee to avoid the confusion among Muslim devotees in the country.

2) For over 52 years since independent, Islam has gain special status in the constitution as an official religion of the country. For over the same period, none of other religions question this position. In fact other religion devotees are free to practice their believe in the country.

3) Why is this thing happen? Why we must have a sense of prejudice among us? Islam never robe or taken other religions right or vice versa. Or could it be unseen hand who has political agenda or something else to tear apart the harmonious state of the country and trying to incite hatred among us? We should be mindful with these factors.

4) The formation of this committee could possibly provide a stepping stone to opposition parties to politicize certain issue brought up by this committee with regard to religious issue as to gain popularity among the people. Thus, this committee shouldn't be given any authority as it would jeopardize the status of Islam or could be interpreted as to interfere in Islamic affairs of the country.

5) I would only support the formation of this committee if the main objective of this committee is to promote inter-religious understanding and will not touch on the position of Islam or its teaching.

Monday, April 12, 2010


1) What I have seen in today world, there is a lot of hypocrisy, be it from Islamic, Christianity or even Jewish world. It seems those who has personal or political agenda willingly to misinterpret its own original religious teaching as it would like to be parallel with his own agenda or political will.

2) What we can see in our current political affairs locally or internationally, the willingly of interpretation of cause of action taken by our political counterpart as it would like to be in contrary with our foes. 1001 reasons will be given to justify our cause of actions.  

3) The political will has already destroyed our religion, Christianity and Judaism, we have seen there were many sects among us due to politic, claiming each other weren't not religious or swayed away, the fact is, it is the pot calling the kettle black. As a result, our religion was regarded a religion who promoting a violent as a means of solving the differences.

4) There are one political party who claiming to uphold Islamic state with hudud law in place, willingly to cooperate with other non Islamic party which they had opposed earlier. But today, their spiritual leader had even claims that they willing to cooperate with devil. How easy we are changing our view as to accommodate our current political view. We are actually living with full of lies.

5) There were many politicians in today world would change their skin when meeting with somebody out of their skin, come out with many empty promises to entice votes.

6) The same goes to ISA, many lawyers would claim that the ISA which provides for detention without trial as a bad law, many have urged government to remove that law. The reasons cited is that without a hearing in a court of law, the executive has assumed the role of prosecutor, the judge and the executioner.

7) But the same people, who strongly object to ISA, support the law providing for contempt of court in which the aggrieved judge becomes the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner. Clearly, we are seeing the double standard in the implementation of justice. The hypocrisy was at stake in our today society.

8) The world political affairs also having the same direction, the world super power have spreading lies to the whole world saying the country they don't like having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to justify their own course of action.

9) Its only after damaged has been done, the whole world found that there was no WMD at all and after the regime has been removed and the dictator been executed in the court of unjust with full of manipulation.

10) It only just because of political differences and probably there was a hidden agenda behind it, the civilized society resorted to uncivilized means to settle the differences. It clearly a caveman way of doing things.   

Monday, April 5, 2010

Samy To Step Down

1) I don't know how true is this story, but Malaysian-Instinct says Samy Vellu to quit as MIC president post in the near future.

2) If this story true, it would benefit BN as a whole because MIC is no longer relevant if Samy Vellu still remained MIC president.

3) Goodbye Samy Vellu and welcome Palanivel, there are mountains to climb ahead you.

Women Rights

1) For ladies, I would like to draw your attention of the above subject which has posted in The Star newspaper today by Shahanaaz Habib. The report says:

A wife's rights to hubby's assets


KUALA LUMPUR: Very few Muslim women know that they are entitled to claim harta sepen carian which can amount to half of their husband’s assets upon the latter’s death.
It is common for women to stake a claim for harta sepencarian (joint assets accrued during the marriage) in divorce but not in death, said AmanahRaya Legacy Services CEO Rafie Omar.
“This is because Muslim widows do not know their rights and entitlement. They think that if they have children, they are entitled only to one-eighth of the husband’s assets (under the faraid system) and if they have no children, they think they can get only a quarter of the husband’s assets.
“But women in Malaysia contribute to the success of their husbands, so the women should claim and are entitled to a portion of the harta sepencarian if they can show they contributed,” said Rafie in an interview.
He said this was on top of the faraid (Islamic inheritance law and distribution of estate) portion the wife would get.
Hence the difference between Case 1 and Case 2. In the first case, Zainab knew that as a wife, she could claim up to 50% of her spouse’s assets under harta sepencarian. So she received RM500,000 from her share of harta sepencarian and another RM62,500 as her faraid share (which is one-eighth of the remaining RM500,000).
Kamariah, on the other hand, was not aware of harta sepencarian and made no claim for it. As a result she received only RM125,000 which is one-eighth of RM1mil.
(In both cases, the rest of the money and assets were divided among the children with the boys getting twice the share of their sisters).
Under the faraid system, a wife with children would get one-eighth of her husband’s assets and she is entitled to a quarter of her husband’s assets if they have no children.
“If I die leaving RM100,000 in assets and my widow can show that she contributed to the sum, she is entitled to half of it and will get RM 50,000 first. Then from the remaining RM50,000, she will get her one-quarter share (if the couple has no kids) or one-eighth (with kids),” he said.
Rafie said even if the woman was a housewife who stayed home and looked after the kids, she could still claim for harta sepencarian.
“She can say that having a good wife at home made his life comfortable and easy for him to earn a living. If she can prove this in court, depending on the judge and evidence given, she is likely to be apportioned 30% to 50% of the harta sepencarian,” he added.
When such a claim is pending in court, Amanahraya (Malaysia’s premier trustee company) would suspend the faraid distribution until the matter is settled“We will pay the harta sepencarian entitlement first. And then distribute the balance under the faraid,” said Rafie.
Under the faraid system, if a wife has no children and no male relative, she gets a quarter of her husband’s assets and the remaining three quarters go to Baitul Mal (the treasury under the states’ Islamic councils), which is why it is important for her to claim the assets under harta sepencarian.
If the wife can prove to Baitul Mal that she was the one who paid for everything, it may even renounce its right to the assets.
On polygamous marriages, the wives should also know their rights to theharta sepencarian.
Citing an example, Rafie said that Mr A married Madam B for 20 years and acquired RM10,000 during their marriage. Then took a second wife, a Madam C, who is the daughter of a rich man. His business thrived because of her contacts and he subsequently acquired RM10mil. Later, he married Madam D and did not acquire much during his marriage with the third woman.
Would all his three wives be entitled to equal share after his death?
“If he leaves behind RM10mil upon death, it is not fair to his second wife if the wife’s portion of one-eighth under faraid is to be divided equally among the three wives (with each getting a 1/24 share). Because it was during his second marriage that he made his money. “So, his second wife should claim under the harta sepencarian that it was during his marriage to her that he became richer. She has to prove that it was the second marriage that made him richer and not the first or third. If she does that, she can walk away with up to 50% of his assets,” said Rafie.
Case 1: Zai nab’s husband Ismail dies and leaves behind assets comprising savings, EPF and a link house worth a total of about RM1mil. They have two boys and two girls. She receives RM562,500 as her share from the assets.
Case 2: Kamariah is married to Sabri who leaves behind assets worth about RM1mil when he dies. However, she is apportioned only RM125,000. She too has two boys and two girls.
My view:
I believe the intention of this law is to prevent the man from violating their rights at the expense of ladies or his wife, therefore I'm fully support this law as would give a husband to think twice before decide to marry a second wife or divorce.